Since 2001, APS has demonstrated its commitment to preventing RSV in premature babies


Our local, agile presence gives us a patient-centered advantage. APS is committed to delivering superior Clinical and Personalized Specialty Care.


Established in 1985, We’ve Been Open For 35 Years


Largest and #1 Synagis® Provider In California


The Average Length of APS Employment is 11 Years


Dosing Adherence To Our At-Risk Premature Infant Synagis® Patients

APS provides most state-of-the-art self-injectable drug therapies


Since 2001, APS has demonstrated its commitment to preventing Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in premature babies and other at-risk children. We have proven our commitment by becoming the largest, single provider of Synagis® (Palivizimub) to the California Medi-Cal based programs. With consistently exceeding a 97% compliance rate, APS remains one of the top Synagis® providers in the United States.

Our Synagis® Management System (SMS™) is unique versus our competitors. Our diligent tracking and monitoring of patients receiving Synagis® is unsurpassed. This includes looking closely at patients who marginally did not qualify to receive the mono-clonal antibody and looking for additional documentation and opinion that may otherwise qualify the patient.

For Synagis® Referral Coordinators, APS makes it easy to refer a baby by providing forms that can be downloaded, edited or written and securely submitted.